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  • yaa i am into IT industry. though i have also worked with non IT guys... lol my life is a mess....
    Gaurav, the reason why Nepal is a bit disenchanted with India is because of the pseudo-secularism that our government follows against Buddhists, maintream Hindus, Sikhs specifically. Now Indians in general are liberal minded and keep quiet but Nepalis are very religious people.

    Turning Nepal into a Communist-Secular state was the worst blunder that GOI aided them in. Till Nepal was a Hindu nation, all communities whether Dharmic or non-Dharmic were peacefully living. But when the external powers were given more privilege and the local Dharmic community felt threatened, tensions started rising and they rightfully blame our pseudo-secular government for this meddling. Even Manisha Koirala, Bollywood actress was irritated about what GOI has done to her country and has numerous times expressed in her interviews indirectly.

    Most Nepali people love and respect common Indians as brothers and sisters since there's virtually no difference between us. But they hate our government for just reasons.

    Pseudo-secularism like it is ruining India, it has taken a worse toll with rise of Communist terrorists like anything in that valley. For example India having more military and money power than Nepal means we can handle Maoist and other forms of Communist terrorism well. But Nepal isn't so financially well and has a rather terrible record for corruption; even worse than northeast in many cases. So their normal society suffers due to its fragile economy and due to our negative government's meddling.

    I've been there many times and a common Nepali loves a common Indian with no differences felt (as there aren't any); it is only that they dislike our government, which even I do for very similar reasons like theirs but within our country.
    Yes bro, I had been busy as I was called off to a friend's marriage in our neighbourhood country Nepal. The ceremony was grand and everything in Nepal is so similar to our country that I didn't feel I was in another country at all. The religious customs, the general overall culture.. it is beautiful each time I visit the country.

    Only if there was some hope of decent stability and had its national status from a religious country to a secular state not been changed, we would re-gain the confidence of Nepali people who're deeply conservative. Our secular-extremist politicians ruined the show by spoiling the relationship between our countries.
    i want to know when the recuritment come for female and in which field i m elegible for paf i want to join paf plz guide me
    Great to know you're from HP. Btw, are you in Army since you mentioned academy?

    Oh no I am not an ethnic Nepali-Sikkimese and rather a Bhutia. To be frank, I am Delhi-born and therefore I am more accustomed to the North Indian ways than my own. Its more like Delhi primary and Sikkim secondary.

    Though I like to keep in touch with the entire country. Its really pathetic that the Hindi news media rarely shows eastern India beyond West Bengal or Assam.
    Hey Gaurav, Tshering Denzongpa from Gangtok here. Actually the song is in Nepali and if you search for the video on YouTube, you'll see the details of the song on the very first screen as soon as the video starts.

    I don't think its a separate song as its a song that glorifies Gurkhas and perhaps is for this video only.
    HI frenz..... Im here new.... Likes to thank Mod fr providing such a gud platform for knowledge and views.

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