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  • Sorry bro, that sucks! You are a real man in my book!
    The level of moderation varies a lot. Some mods are like you or I, some the exact opposite.
    This forum is filled with threads critical to Pakistan on issues that matter. We like to have mature discussions here, and quality control is our job.
    There is already a thread on the same topic . Unfortunately it didn't get much attention.
    Pls condemn the killing of the two sisters in sopore by LET in your signature as posting articles is not allowed. They don't have the balls, but we are from Gandhi's land and we do.
    Oh wow. I must have missed that thread. I have to head off to work but should be back late and Ill check it out then.
    Hey add me to your msn and maybe you can give me a few directions to the best places in kerala.

    Purpose of visit is pleasure ofcourse. Sightseeing. I have a friend in India who is soon to be married and she has asked me to design a few clothes for her and bring it over.

    My ID is zaynab_khan@hotmail.co.uk
    By the way I am coming over to India in a few days.......got a visa for Kerala as well. Any nice places I can visit?
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