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  • a long time no see you, I have some troubes with speaking english, can you give me some tips
    Oh yes, that can be a big problem. I know there are pronunciation videos where they show you the position of the mouth and tongue to pronounce well. Look for that, that's the best way.
    xiao qi
    xiao qi
    dont know why but i feel it is very difficult, haiz, maybe i live in a environment where people dont use english so it make me lazy in speaking
    Pronunciation can be very difficult, you need practice, but its important to understand how to position the mouth, lips and tongue in order to pronounce the sounds well, look for the videos.
    Hey mate, suggestion: save your long posts (on word file externally), so if they get deleted, you can copy and paste them again into the "whatever" thread and check to see if they stick there (since mod cannot say they are derailing etc). I have done this a few times now...and can tag ppl there too.
    @Carlosa well said, Vietnam needs more things to catch up to our neighbours, Im not confident for our government because of the corruption, But the status is improving day by day, I hope It can develop as a better way in the future. when do you leave China?
    Indo defense industry is growing quite a bit, their defense budget is bigger than VN. Indo military will get bigger and bigger but takes time.
    VN also has to put resources in the coast guard and the island land reclamation in Spratlys, that cost money that could be used for the military. Other countries don't have that issue.
    Singapore, VN and Indo, those are the 3 real military powers in ASEAN, the others are of not much importance. Forget about Thailand, Malaysia or PH, they don't have what it takes. Myanmar is number 4 for me.
    and people are not very happy, so nobody knows how they would fight. Of course they are powerful if nothing else because of nuclear weapons.
    The thing about NK is that nobody knows if they will fight or run, there is a lot of repression there and a very low standard of living
    but I would say that Vietnam is ahead of them, although not much difference in terms of equipment. NK is way ahead of Indonesia.
    Oh Indonesia, oh they don't have much of anything, they are building up slowly. They actually have a good fighting reputation,
    Congratulations for graduating next month, that's very good. Good luck with the new job.
    Im fine too, I will graduate in the next month and find a suitable job. Not ok for my school but I think It is not too bad. For my question, I suppose I want to ask abt Indonesia, not India. Because I know India is a power country, of course.
    @Carlosa from your opinion, Vietnam and North Korea and Indo, who is stronger than?
    Vietnam doesn't really have that much, particularly in naval and air force, but the ground army defending its territory would give a big fight to anybody as history has shown.
    How are you doing? Everything ok? School ok?
    Sister Xiao, I think this is the second time that I miss messages from you. I suggest that if you don't get a reply from me within a couple of days, just remind me of your message in the Vietnam thread, can delete it later. Sorry again.
    Xin chao sister Xiao, I'm fine, how about you? I'm about to travel to China for a couple of weeks (just business), not happy about that. We are having rain everyday in Da Nang, a bit boring. How are things with you? School ok?
    xiao qi
    xiao qi
    I went to my home last week, and return Hanoi today. I'm fine too, in Hanoi, the weather is cool, good for everything, a long time i dont chat with you so i think i need to talk :)
    Yes, Its good to chat again with you. Its nice that you went home for a while. I like this time of year, cold weather is ok for me, hot weather is what I don't like. Take care and have a nice week.
    Oh that's too bad. No, you were not wrong. That's the problem with the chinese moderators. They are always biased to their comrades.

    I don't go to chinese threads or to the type of threads that attract the chinese. I got tired of fighting with them. Its not worth it in the end. Its better to avoid them.
    xiao qi
    xiao qi
    I will keep away, lets them alone and want to say anything, so ashamed
    Very good, I'm glad to hear that You can't change them anyway. You only waste your time and you end up getting angry.
    @Carlosa nó là từ tiểu khí trong tiếng trung, đại loại là dễ nóng giận, tính khí bất thường hay thay đổi
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    Can you explain in English? This is the Google translation, but its not very good. "it is known from primary central air, sort of irascible, temperamental often change".
    xiao qi
    xiao qi
    you don't know Vietnamese, do you? sorry, xiaoqi is a Chinese word,it describes for the changing temper , it is also tiểu quỳnh, a Vietnamese name
    Oh thank you, toi noi tieng viet rat chut chut
    @Carlosa is gambit a Vietnamese-American?
    Yes, he is, he left in 1975. He was an air force pilot in US air force for F-16 and F-111. He retired from the air force now. He is one of the top military experts in the forum.
    By the way please tell those indonesians that with thousands of islands and +50 000 km of coastline, their country is impossible to defend. How much 100 leo and +40 ships can cover a territory? They will gladly take T34 and SU100 for their coatline defence against amphibious attacks...
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    Thank you man. Don't think too much about other people. There is no reason for you to not be in the thread, please come back.
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