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    Defenxehub dot live
    The x is a c
    I’ve heard you’re a sanatani 🙂?
    Black Tornado
    Black Tornado
    No I was asking whether you’re hindu or not, anyways I respect your views. I’m a right leaning centrist.
    I belong to a farmer Muslim family but my father was educated and was a railway officer. He is one of the two first matriculated Muslims in our area, a student of Faridpur Zilla School about 5 km from the village. A Moulavi Sahab taught me Arabic and religion. But, I never became a fundamentalist that I find so many nowadays.
    Black Tornado
    Black Tornado
    Good to see brother,
    assalamualaikum brother, are you from Bangladesh? I noticed you liked my post. Do you have any information you could share?
    Also, don't reply to this message if you don't want to. I just want to leave this here as an apology.
    Hey, I want to apologize for the shit I said previously about Bengalis.
    I have no excuse, I just got out of hand.

    I genuinely like Bengali people I have met and I am realizing that my personal nationalism is starting to make me a toxic person.

    I will do my best to rein it in.
    The reason I am sending you this now is that I have had some time to think about it and genuinely didn't like my behavior.
    Not all retinues of Afghan Lords were Afghans and not all retinues of Mughals were Mughals/Turks. There were Baizid Karrani and Khwaza Osman in Sylhet and Mymensing region. But, there were many other Lords of Afghan descent all over Bengal after the rise of Sher Shah in Gaur in 1537 AD.
    বিলাল আর ইউকেবির সাথে লাগালাগিটা একটু কমান না ভাই। ট্রল গুলায় ত মজা নেয়!
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    Reactions: bluesky
    আমি তো তাই চাই। কিন্তু, তারা আমাকে কোনো মন্তব্যই পোস্ট করতে দেয়না। যা তা কমেন্ট করে। ফলে আমাকেও বাধ্য তাদের স্টাইলে কথা বলতে হয়। ফোরাম কিন্তু মূলতঃ আলোচনা করার জায়গা। কিন্তু তারা সবসময় তাদের চিন্তাধারা অন্যের উপর চাপিয়ে দেয় যেটা আমার পক্ষে মেনে নেয়া একটু কঠিনই বটে। তারপরও চেষ্টা করবো যাতে কথা কাটাকাটি কম হয়। আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ।
    যারা যুক্তিতে বিশ্বাস করেনা তারা আসলে দূর্বল চরিত্রের লোক। কারো ব্যক্তিত্ব পরিবর্তন করা সম্ভব নয়। তাই, ওদের কয়েকজনের কথায় কান না দিয়ে অপমান সহ্য করে হলেও নিজের চিন্তাধারা অনুযায়ী বক্তব্য পাঠাতে থাকবো। ধন্যবাদ।
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    Reactions: bluesky
    Thanks for the link of Engr. Mamtajuddin Bhuiyan. I have long lost contact with him. I will try to contact him via the telephone numbers the link provides. If you happen to know him please convey my Salaam to him and his Begum. Tell them, my family name is Shaikh and from Faridpur town. Thanks again.
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    Reactions: Bilal9
    Thanks Bhai. I will follow up next time I see him.
    did i do that ? no . why ? bcz , of ur right flag . u belongs from bd. I use spoken english , write simply . Do u know there is a option IGNORE ? why i am doing that ? bcz by doing so , i dn't wanna show my anger to u . If u r a muslim u should respect another muslim.
    what is ur problem ? Wanna show divide and rules policy to the other members ? U should feel shame , where indians are united, pakistani r united, there u r searching my fault ? do u know what i do ? If u dnt know , that is good for u . If i want i can find 100 mistakes of urs .
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    Reactions: Banglar Bir
    Please write in proper English and I do not want to know what you do when you are away from this discussion Forum.
    Major d1
    Major d1
    misconception again. i can give ur s respect in my ignore list . What do u mean by proper English . did u learned it from ur mothers vain?

    don't try to over smart , i see u r many comments. lol . U have no intellect to realize my engish .

    Happy ? saty on the side , or u may get lost .
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