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  • Assalam u Alaikum.

    Your age is 20 and you hardly have got anytime left to make decision.
    Go for ISSB and clear the test. PS. You need to have quick reflexes, 20/20 vision and unbeatable stamina.

    best of Luck. :)
    Sure! how are you doing and can i know something about you, like, where are you from and what up with your life these days!

    i am in Lahore currently, working in marketting section of a textile mill!

    Arsalan Aslam.
    sorry friend i was not able to log on for last few days..
    anyways, all i can tell is that something fishy is cooking in the pot and you will have to sit tight to get any such news. for the moment the testing side is completely silent....
    wait and hope for good!!

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