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  • LOLZ I've family in Chitral. I've been to the valley. It's absolutely mind boggling. Western NGOs come in and try to corrupt the minds of these people. I hope the GoP takes some measures.
    How these NGO Corrupt minds of these people?
    Je schrijft leuk, hou wel van een beetje assertieviteit :)
    Waar kom je vandaan en hoe oud ben je als ik mag vragen?
    Yaar, please donot take me in a wrong way, people act a bit weird, especially towards Pakistani's, I know you are fed up with it, and simply expressing yourself in the best possible way you could.

    But, I simply request you to just improve your method of expression, it will be very good really. As you pointed out in your post just be a little soft, or try to, I hope you will listen to a brother, thanks, have a good night:)
    I think pointing out the unhelpful role India plays with respect to Pakistan is fine, but when you suggest that in a manner that seems directed at other members it becomes an issue since it will bring out responses from the other side.
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