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  • I was in Haiti in Jan 2010 & again in Feb 2010
    Helping the poor people...

    To my & everyone else's Surprise
    NO Roads or paths were damaged
    Only Buildings !!

    - HAARP (weather modification/control, artificially causing earthquakes, etc etc)?

    HAARP + Project Blue Beam are a reality.

    Project Blue Beam + HAARP are VERY!!! dangerous!!! as well as powerful weapons.
    Pakistan has gold reserves worth trillions of dollars &
    the strategic position with the perceived threat from the Taliban, this could be another reason why the West is so interested in controlling Pakistan even more….

    LAHORE – The renowned Nuclear Scientist Dr Samar Mubarakmand recently-installed Rs 70 million high-tech 4 MeV Pelletron Accelerator and Rs 40 million Laser Laboratories at the GC University, Lahore Centre for Advanced Studies in Physics (GCU CASP).

    GCU Vice Chancellor Dr Khalid Aftab & other speakers like Dr Samar gave wake-up call to the national scientists, saying Pakistan is extremely rich in minerals especially coal, copper and gold and what it needed is indigenous technology for exploitation of these resources. We should not let the foreigners to exploit our resources and pay us peanuts in form of royalty.

    Nuclear scientist said that Pakistan had gold and copper reserves of trillions of dollars in Balochistan.
    Asslam O Alaikum

    Dear All
    I hope to read & understand more about Pakistan Defence Forum with your help

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