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  • Thnx...!!! n u should'nt wait for any knowledgeable and useful posts by me:-) Coz m jst used to see knowledgeable and useful posts by you nd other members of PDF...
    Welcome back.........!!!! I am waiting for some useful and knowledgeable contribution from u………..we both started same day and still not seeing much stars on ur “shoulder”
    May be you need to add me as a friend, or may be you can change your settings.
    Dogars Books though helpful to some extent, but then they can't give you something tough to ponder upon. First try to buy some 'IQ Test' Books, i mean guud books that are guud and written/published by reputed writers/publishers. i can give you a few names which i remember: Check Your IQ (Ken Russules), Check Your Own IQ (H.J EYSENCK), Test Prep Your IQ, Test your IQ (Anand Sagar) etc etc. These books are better than Dogars and would help preparing you better.

    And i dont know why i cant send you PMs.

    Lastly, let me know of other queries.
    I think i mistakenly refuse ur invitation.......Oooppss....send it again and sorry for this.....!!!
    Hi 2 and w/salam, u r also a fresh member of this forum...!!! hope u will enjoy it and keep in contact....
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