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Adnan Faruqi

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  • I gave you the warning only that has no effect on your account because you were soft trolling. You meant to call Pakistan a "failed state" and it was apparent by the chain of posts you were writing in that thread.

    I am not a computer machine who would not understand your intentions... and the way you just wrote on my wall don't repeat it again or you will be banned. I have not seen Windjammer's post so will look in to that
    Nice to see your reply buddy, first of all There is a fine-line between headline and title which often overlaps each other. Secondly, I merely given a title which I took from the context. But, yes may say that I had sensationalize the title which drew unwanted attention from Pakistani members and ultimately the thread got derailed and closed by the Moderator. Anyway, we both love India and will have great time in this forum. Happy staying in PDF my friend Adnan Faruqi :-)
    Hey buddy I came across with your post in a thread Gorkha regiments of Indian army may soon become history] posted by me. Where you accused me for "faking" the headline of the news article. I wonder where did you see the "fake Headline". I think you don't know the difference between Headline and Title. Do you? If you read through the entire article (which you didn't) then you'd find what I have written in the Title is not "fake". The Title represent a probability which "may" happen if certain steps are taken by the Nepal Govt. I hope next time you'll think a bit before accusing someone!
    We have a separate section for kashmir - which allows more leeway in creating new threads, however, since we do not have a separate section for Baluchistan, the forum cannot be littered with new threads on every little crime or murder in the province - use the existing Baluchistan threads for that, and start new threads only when some significant event takes place.
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