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  • How are you AAtish, its been long time to see you after OBL's death thread...
    "I don't want to take the thread OT.. but i would suggest that write down factual realities and then draw down the facts and realities of all those events i mentioned.. you'll know what i meant.. and where you American government stands."

    You can check out my blog if you wish: solomon2.blogspot.com
    @Mech.. Thanks mate.. i don't normally come to my pvt msgs.. sorry for being late in responding..
    I have nothing but respect for you after reading you comments in the thread started by user-"tallboy". I just felt as if i should thank you for that.
    I am a Christian, not a Muslim. I don't believe, personally, in pre-destination. I believe that God (Allah) has given man the free will to choose good or evil. However, I do believe that the Muslim belief in pre-destination is far, far stronger than the Christian belief. About this I may be wrong. But, only Muslims go around saying "inshallah" to just about everything that happens or may happen in their lives. Christians don't think about this concept very often.
    "OBL was attacked first by US, in an attempt of “operation cleanup”.. Even his brother was killed in “accident” of “solo flight”" Never heard of it, and even if true it testifies that the attack was personal, not "Islam under attack" as OBL claimed.

    I don't do videos; you have to present your case yourself. And you appear to be thoroughly marginalized here, so you may want to ask yourself if there is something wrong with the way you process information since hardly anyone else finds your position supportable.
    "Explanation: This is what you said Acts must be judged on their context. Osama Bin Laden was trained by CIA, supported by US -"

    I should have said, "judged by their TRUE context", not some convenient fantasies. Osama bin Laden attacked the U.S. first, then attempted to trap Muslims into support afterward, claiming that the American RESPONSE meant that Islam was under attack. So he justified attacking the U.S. based on the U.S. response to his attack on the U.S.! I'm not going to bother to put in links, you can do the homework yourself.

    "what would you do if this happened to you?"

    Do you think everyone is as bad or as good as everyone else? There are moral differences not just between individuals but between peoples. These two blog entries may be of slight interest to you:
    "Number 1: Apply the same logic to 180 million Pakistanis.. Those terrorists DO NOT represent MY country, so defacing 180 million for the sin of few doesn't make sense.."

    Yet in many respects your sympathies are with the terrorists. I can evaluate YOU at least. And yes, the polity is represented by people in politics, that's not 180 million people, and these can be evaluated too: politicians, newspaper writers, military, civilian gov't, etc. It's big but not insurmountable.

    "Number 2: If you see the videos "closely" -"

    The ones on cable and network tv of the towers collapsing either don't show this or they are dots that could be debris rather than people. Yes, I've heard the closer-up shots exist, but I've never seen them and have no desire to. So the videos aren't "war ****" but instead documentation of criminal acts that does not demean the death of individuals.
    "I am sorry but are you blaming Allah (naoozobillah) for all the killing of innocent civilians in drone attacks??"

    No, but: Islam teaches that Allah has decreed all things, good and evil from eternity, all that happens, whether obedience or disobedience, faith or infidelity, sickness or health, riches or poverty, life or death.

    Hence, Allah even decreed the collapse of the WTC towers and the death of some civilians due to drone strikes.
    "9/11 attacks were shown on YOUR televisions for years.. even NOW you can see them on YOUTUBE.. so YES.. YOU DO POST WAR **** and YOU promote it when it is GOOD FOR YOUR CAUSE!!!"

    Number 1: I'm not responsible for what's posted on TV, so you are talking collective responsibility here: I'm to be blamed for all the putative sins you've ascribed to Americans.

    Number 2: The "pornographic" parts - dead bodies and the like - are not shown, to the best of my knowledge.

    "on the basis of YOUR logic, Osama (if he did do 9/11) was justified -"

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