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  • Salam dear I am Shahbaz Ali from Hyderabad i applied for ICTO signals i have done BSIT so can you tell me what type of Academic test exam ?
    @ Salma_Abbasi

    Is is same,just go through the CSS Book / Guide.
    Inshallah you will pass the Test.
    The Academic Test is very easy and simple.
    Just 30 Questions in 90 minutes,
    Questions are mixed up,
    networking,software / programming,electronics,hardware,basic computing, basic inventions of computers etc.
    thanx 4 sharing ur experience.
    i wana know about academic test... the questions asked were basic?? or need thorough study of all courses?? what was the ratio of each area of IT?? mean more questions were from which area?either networking or software engineering or web development? plz reply fast.. thanx
    AOA i m salma frm isb i want to apply for DSSC(ICTO) u have already given the test so plz guide me how to prepare for the test and plz tell me the pattren of our test will be the same as u have writen in the thread or will be different? any idea?
    I am a soldier not afraid to die,
    2 stars on my shoulder are better than the billion in the sky,
    shall i die in combat zone,
    box me up and send me home,
    put all the medals on my chest,
    and tell my mother i did my best,
    for glory lights the soldier's tomb,
    and beauty wipes the brave,
    tell all the pretty girls not to cry,
    for soldier i was and soldier i die.
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