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  • http://*defence*forum*india*.com*/indian-army/29578-army-chief-sues-govt-matter-honor-not.html

    remove the asterisk and use the link.
    Currently I am writing a personal statement for a Masters in management and I want to stress on how I wish to use this for a future consultancy career..
    What is consultancy in a nutshell..
    not a wiki definition.. rather what does a consultant look at when he sets out on a task.
    Not looking for someone too high up..
    looking for someone who is into consultancy and can give me some idea of the hows and whats..
    Im looking for somebody who might be working with accenture or a company like that.
    The drugs were for an infection that had spread beyond control.. and by that I do not mean my last relationship.
    ON what?
    the last thing I was on consisted of a cocktail of antibiotics and painkillers.
    Dont think many will agree with me, but the "mawali-pan" is characteristic of cars not obtained through the person's own sweat and blood.. or non-appreciation of the source the got you the car.
    You will rarely see somebody who bought his own..lets say civic from corruption-free hard earned money put spoilers or mufflers on it.
    The santro's been sold off for some time now.. had another car before I got this one..
    JDM .. not too fast, but zippy enough for traffic..and making Corolla's look stupid.
    Plus it gives me 17km/l on most days .. what more could one ask for.
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