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  • Sir, you don't have to answer his every retort with a comeback. It is pointless. You are not a new member, at least know when to walk to walk away from a senseless exchange. Just a humble request.
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    Hi Ali. For a member as old as me, with over 4 years of membership, have very less posts under my name and that I think is earned by walking away when the post gets meaningless. I dont think the equation fits with him, especially after I tried reporting twice with no action taken.
    you mentioned about 1967 and about one more date can you give me some links about these incidents
    Hi- Lol- i am usually in stealth mode now a days- i hv lost the nack for arguments- i get irritated now :D
    you too were missing from the forum- nice to see you active again-
    Pls condemn the killing of the two sisters in sopore by LET in your signature as posting articles is not allowed. They don't have the balls, but we are from Gandhi's land and we do.
    Hey mate!

    I have a request regarding your signature,change it as makes it look like you are obsessed with Pakistan .

    This forum should be beyond Indo-Pak rivalry and common learning ground for all of us.

    I hope you take my request in good spirit.

    Thanks in advance.
    Hello sir,
    I am from Delhi
    I have request to you and hope you can pass on to other members since you are a senior member.

    Let us not discuss or tell about some strategic positions, demography of the area where you live and any establishment near to your house. I hope you can understand. Let's us be low profile. It's good for us.
    Through this form one can have a lot of information about our current Projects and planning without really doing a hardwork.
    Hope you will take this as a consideration.
    Thanking you!!
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