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  • "Muslim Punjabis don't have much to talk about, if at all."

    Did you even read my OP? Also, the Khokhars became Muslim.
    Gandhi G in da house
    Gandhi G in da house
    Not all. Many Khokars are still Hindu and many are Sikh also. In any case, the one thing that they are known for i.e. killing of Muhammad Ghori was done by Hindu Khokhars.
    I meant the dynasty itself. And whilst that's what they're known for, their best achievement was conquering Delhi and establishing a vast empire, something which they did once they converted to Islam.
    Nick Indian,

    Which thread about anti-Indian Bengalis? I did not find it listed in your history when I tried to search it for entertainment.
    Thanks bro. Of all the Indians o this forum I like you the most by the way. :D

    Really level headed and open minded guy. Pretty rare from where we live.
    Unluckily my friends aren't interested in defense related stuff!! they can't achieve anything from propaganda because they need to change frequently their propagandas nowadays! I only feel sad about these Pakistani members here, when they will accept the facts that they are more rapidly going down than us in last couple of years.
    True, but it is sometimes too tempting to disprove all the lies they've been fed. Reading some of their posts does make one laugh a bit.
    Well, I couldn't talk in behalf of other Iranian members on PDF, but about myself, I consider myself a cosmopolitan person, I consider people from different cultures as the same as me. About India, I don't hate India because it hasn't been hostile toward us as far as I remember. I know even some pro-Iran Indian people on this forum. Sometimes when Indians side with Israelis or Arabs against Iran and they say insulting things to Iran I may reply back, but that doesn't mean that I hate India. Some Indians come and provoke us, but those people don't shape my opinion about India for sure. So I hope you don't misunderstand me.
    why do you say that Nick?
    I can't send you private messages, but why do you think I don't like India? I don't dislike India at all. You're wrong my friend.
    Like i said, we dont have time to moderate such threads. So we will close or delete them rather looking for posts to delete in order to save the thread. The thread is not suppose to be there at all.
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