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  • honourd Sir. Thank you. accepts daffodils from my side in alphabet form since I did not find any option to past flowers here :P When you are in Pakistan please do inform. Would be an honour to greet you. Regards and Respect
    Tay, WHY is your "Location Flag" green? :O
    Are you by any chance in Pakistan?
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    Visiting is just a matter of time but I have precious little so it is unlikely to be soon. But the flag is not as recent as your discovery of it.
    Since there was intent on my part, it was raised when I joined in 2010.
    BTW, I only withhold from visiting countries on moral backgrounds. So no NK, KSA has begun moving up the list but
    I may not live to visit Israël; things like that.

    Pakistan as of now is not concerned by that and security has never been a concern of mine. I'll manage ;) .

    All the best to you and yours, Tay.
    I must have missed the flag then,,,,,,, more likely is that i have forgotten about it now since i came back after a months break :P

    And yeah, i got your point on security not being a big concern (it wont be a prob either) and the moral backgrounds when deciding to visit. REALLY REALLY Appreciate it! :)
    Hey Tay, I am enjoying taking up the Gang, and in between you came up. Kept silence for several Days, but when rediculus comments and threads emerges, I had to speak up. Any way thanks talking to you. See you in Rafale thread and I am Fan of you.
    hey bro, are you Pakistani?
    bro, the way you talk is just like that Pakistani dude Risingshiningsuperpower said in his email to me. :)
    No, no, I'm only me, LOL. Not a big fan of multis
    and the likes. I'm Taygibay everywhere. :D

    But if you say so, that chap must be very nice! ;)
    both of u kind of mysterious......and i couldn't understand his mysterious emails.....So your tayish words...lol.....tay
    My friend,

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    Thanks a lot my friend! I was in hurry when I answered.
    You can check the correction and otherwise agreed for
    my part as you may guess.

    All the best to you and yours, Tay.
    Aw, you cut my troll mode short ... can't a guy ever troll once in a while (I get away with it at times nowadays)?? I was getting tickled by the false flagger! Cheers
    Lol.. Thanked me on a centuries old post of mine. Thanks Sir. Best wishes
    I know. That it will teach you for posting coherent thoughts with a dash of humour is my only defence? ;) great day buddy!
    I am an Indian but respect your post with regards to the Tejas. Sane minds prevail on this forum and am glad to see one in you. Cheers mate.
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    Thank you for the kind words, mate! In reverse, let me add that there are plenty Indians with more logic than nationalistic fanboys let it show, a problem in every country anyway. Heck, I follow one named thus on FB :
    The Logical Indian. ;) Cheers!
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