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  • Assalamualaikum sir, I am fascinated by your deep knowledge and insight. Can we get in contact outside the forum? On email or facebook? I want to discuss details of 1971 with you. Regards,
    Akmal Sahib, you're going to have greater faith in your own abilities because Pakistan is right now tearing herself apart and it maybe so that in around a decade or two...we may not really have a 'Pakistan' left !
    Ahh..well I'm glad to hear that ! Indeed Akmal Sahib a lot of Pakistan's problems are due to the American presence in Afghanistan but many more are because of Pakistan's own policies; we shouldn't have created the Afghan Mujahideen in the first place and now those indoctrinated people have become a very big problem for Pakistan and Afghanistan !
    Akmal Sahib, long time no reply ! I'm sorry if I offended you with my last post but would you rather I lie ?
    Akmal sahbi, the Hira Mandi from what I'v heard is the 'Prostitution Hub of Lahore', no respectable person goes there but should you wish to you're going to have to go on your own because I can't really help you there.

    I'm not sure why Bhutto was hanged. Some say that it was because of a 'political murder' that he committed others say because he was becoming the sole spokesperson of the '3rd World' and needed to be taken out, either way not many of us think that his 'hanging' was the correct thing to do ! There are people here in Pakistan who still idolize him !
    Aaah...! Forgive me I've never come across anything like that on the streets of Lahore so :(
    Oh Akmal Sahib, I'm born and bred in Lahore and my only visit to Rawalpindi is once every few years and that too is usually more towards Islamabad than Rawalpindi though my Grandfather was born there and my Father spent close to 6-7 years in Rawalpindi and so he does have fond memories of the city. So I'll ask them about the 'Women who sold Dried-Fruits' but nowadays in Lahore thats usually done by men and overwhelmingly so by Pathans plus there are dried-fruit shops almost in every major market in Lahore. But if you do visit Lahore please send me a message and I'll try to entertain as best as I can ! :)
    @ Yes I have a plan. You know I was born in Rawalpindi some where near Pakistan Counsil (in those days). The general area is, if you follow the road in front of Hotel Inter Continental facing towards Raja Bazar but short of railway line.

    @ In Pakistan, I had been in Malir Cantt, Noshera, Rawalpindi. I visited Muree both "Upper Topa" and "Lower Topa" and went upto Muzzafurabad. I visited Rawal Dam. I was in there in Lahore but very frequently visited Lahore.

    @ You know, in those days in Rawalpindi there were lot of women wearing "ghagra" who used to sell "Choware" and "Akhroot". Those women used to sing like this, " Choware-- e lo akhroo ---t, bajhza, totta, pital, silvor ---- bataloo ". I used to really enjoy those calling. Are they still continuing with this calling ??????
    Thank You for your reply. Akmal Sahib what disturbs me, here in Pakistan, is that many amongst our educated intelligensia are talking about a 'Secular Pakistan' as something thats not only Jinnah wanted but is in fact sanctioned by the Quran itself. The problem is that most of our religious folks are too busy deciding over trivial things like 'where your supposed to fold your hands when you pray' instead of trying to provide a counter-narrative that is logically sound. What I fear is that Pakistanis are going to forget everything that we ever fought for because now a days you're going to come across educated, liberal Pakistanis talking about 'how the Partition was a massive blunder' and that 'Jinnah was in league with the British and that the Congress was correct'; thankfully this numbers isn't large but their presence in the media continues to grow.
    Hey, what are your views on 'Secularism' in the context of a Secular Pakistan and a Secular Bangladesh ?
    Mr Akmal ! I sent an excerpt of what you posted about the Colonel in the '71 War Thread and he was moved and he wanted me to convey his Love and Regards to you !
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