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  • Thanks for putting that idiot in his place. My post would have been much harsher towards him :D
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    Reactions: AUz
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    Reactions: Iltutmish and AUz
    I would like to extend a invitation to my personal Discord server. It's a safe space for like minded individuals. We're really chill (we don't ban anyone unless they're really retarded). We also host movie nights (weekly) and voice chatting!

    https://discord. gg/ApYgr3DKd7 Just remove the space between . and gg cuz PDF blocks all links to Discord... and paste the URL in a new tab ;)
    Thanks alot bro. I dont have much experience with Discord but iA I'll give it a shot chance laga k :)
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    Reactions: Itachi
    I reported your account for spreading hate and advocating rape. I will see for how long you're gonna spread hate speeches.
    I have a sister :D


    Dude you must realize one thing. You guys serve as amusement to overcome train rides. I´m never at home. This site is perfect to post a oneliner and you guys freak out. I used the posts you guys made to win a office and make 500 € per month with it. thanks for that :D
    Lagay Raho
    Lagay Raho
    You are like that guy in the class who wants to get noticed but has communication issues and ends up getting attention the wrong way.
    my hairline is fine. :) I dont know why you go personal again. I´ll let waz handle this.
    It seems to be receding, seriously. May be just a style..idk.

    Get a proper girlfriend dude...you are gonna hit the wall soon. Ps, it's hard to find any marriage material girl in your culture. All girls are generally cheap sluts (even you know it). I am sure lots of good girls are out there--but hard to find a good, non-slutty white girl seriously
    I dont understand why you alwys start to get personal. peace amigo

    If you dont like my political ideas or my party so be it but i would be happy if you stop personal insults.
    I liked your posts. You have very good way of writing and good grasp of history. Where in USA are you from?
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    Nice! I have a degree in Computer Engineering and work for a telecom company.
    Awesome! Were you born in the U.S or came here? Is your family here as well?
    Some of the my family members are here but most of them are still back in Pakistan. I came here after high shcool, did Engineering from here and after graduation started working here.
    you always amuse me. One moment you talk super religious. Next moment talk about raping and stuff. :D calm down a bit and dont insult others snd maybe you will feel better
    haha Rawan wasn't a Muslim but was from Syrian/Muslim heritage. And Italy only has 3% of its population Muslim--however, by 2050, this number is projected to be nearly 10%. And yes, Western-Northern Europe has much larger populations of Muslims. Also, ISIS isn't Muslim nor Islamic. Making opinion about Islam from ISIS is same as making opinion about Christianity through Hitler or child rapist catholic priest
    Number of Muslims in italy is sinking actually because the harsh laws and zero acceptance from people. Some cities like Lucca for example ban muslims to own shops inside the main city because its unitalian. I want a strong italy. You want my country destroyed. Dont wonder if i opposse this since i love my nation over evrything.
    P.s. checked actual numbers. Only 1.4% of our population is muslim.
    Auz don't waste time on Athiesm thread just report the first post the thread will get reported it should be closed down
    Hi- so nice of you that you are concerned about your country and want to bring change through vote. I regret to tell you that for the time being the overseas Pakistanis are given the right to participate in elections, yet the procedure has not been finalized.

    I will update information regarding it as soon as the right to vote is finalized, for the time being if you have not got your NICOP, kindly do that from NADRA.gov.pk

    we will update information in this regard in the thread http://www.defence.pk/forums/national-political-issues/171707-voter-registration-overseas-pakistanis.html

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