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  • Im trying to. There's some important stuff that I need to have done before I can go. If it gets done then IA ill go kiss K2 for you too :D
    Bro awesome pics, which you have shared. But I very sincerely request that you not post pics of anywhere else than concordia on the thread. People dnt really know anything about that place and they might confuse those places with concordia. Plus im trying to get this thread to a sticky :D Please dont think that I didnt appreciate your pics or am trying be an ashole :p

    ps: Is that you in the later pics?
    oh sorry for not replying, he is vice president or president youth wing PTI, you actually posted a post that calculated the capacity of minar-e-pakistan with courtesy to Saqib Idress Taj.
    Take some time off or you get banned. Come back and post later witha cool head.
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