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  • aslamu alikum bro.
    i have a question.can u give some detail of zia role in Black september.when he was in jordan.
    zia our army chef who died in 1988.
    Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    dear brother Ghost Rider. . unfotunatly i don't have any account on facebook for some personnal reasons . . but you can email me at mhnaghwai@gmail.com
    brother is there any way i can contact you on facebook
    i would love to discuss Jordanian military and issues with you
    Jordanian-Pakistani military relations is very strong ,Through history Pakistan stood by Jordan during the wars, and so did Jordan During the Pakistani-Indian war, There are military courses and joint exercises on a regular basis between the two countrys, My uncle served in the Jordanian Arab Army until he reached rank of lieutenant colonel, He always talking about military courses in which he participated in Pakistan, If your question is about the possibility of employment in the Jordanian Arab Army as the case in the Saudi army, This is not allowed because there are large numbers of Jordanians want to join military service, Thank you my brother and I wish you all the best
    Salam after seeing that video,I am forced to ask this Question
    can Pakistanis join Jordanian armed forces????
    الحمد لله أخي الكريم. . تشرفت بك
    كيف حالك الأخ العزيز؟
    لا شك بأنه من الشعراء الذين يتبعهم الغاوون
    الشاعر كتب القصيدة قبل زمان لكن شفنا اللي صار في تونس حسب ما ذكر الشاعر في القصيدة
    هذا الراوي شكلو الاسلاك ضاربة عنده
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