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  • Politics will always be dominated by the Dravidian parties, no chance for either Congress or BJP here though Congress is relatively in better shape than BJP.

    We are quite a bit of linguistic chauvinists to allow National parties to set shop here...lolzzzzz

    As far as reservation is concerned frankly theere are so many conditionlities , so many modifications that no one exactly knows what is the % age. But it is most probably 50 % and not 67 %
    No yaar...its just with the hindu bashing threads going on here and else where, I thought i need to make clear my leanings. :-)

    In TN only a passing glance is given to Shivaji as the brave Maratha who fought the cruel Aurangazeb and brought the Mughlas to their knees.

    Most is devoted to our own dynasties like Chera,chola,Pandiya and their history.
    because one of his cousin is also a very old member of defence.pk

    We all knew on the day he died :(

    He was not a soldier,
    He died in a bomb blast at Moon Market in Lahore.
    honestly.. i dont know anything abt him.. i am in the 3d simulation business if that should be of some interest to you.. we make 3d simulations and renderings..
    well it was an international conference in sportz medicine..so getting a visa was not an issue, our whole pg batch had gone there.. well they had a damm good infrastructure over there the hospital and they have some good doctors they helped us out a lot in our research work...
    well i have done my graduation and postgraduation for manipal university manipal karnataka.. my graduation was on donation and postgraduation i cleared the manipal exterance exam, so the fee was little less for my postgraduation... believe me studying medical lines like mmbs,bds and physiotherapy is very expensive india... 15 years down the line may be itll be good, but i have not payed lakhs for my education so that i can earn after 15 years dont you think p:.. presently i am planinin to do my superspeciality in cardiology
    yeah i know marathi bro. i was born hear d: well you are most probabely suffering from conjuntivitis.. infection of the cornea white eye..and the drugs that the doctor prescribed you is good..just dont roam around in sunlight it will spread more to the surface ..were glares...well to start a private practice it is important to join a hospital...situation of medical profession in india is getting worse day by day ,a simple call center executive earns more than a fresh doctor...may be itll improve later on...
    hey ,how long have you got this?
    do you have asthama ?
    any kind for discharge>
    i cant priscribe you a drug directly befor knowing the abbove points if you understand.. do let me know.. well i am unemployed now .jut finished my postgraduation in medicine searching for a job now
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