Sir no Sir it will never be instead soon Islam will overtake america and because Islam is the fastest growing religion in USA and those who converts are far strict Muslims than America and as they have seen what a failure is American system and American society they will soon change it and you will see Islam dominating in America and as far as secularism in Muslim world is concerned it will only remain dream of American slaves or so called liberals or secular s
Sir their whole system is based against Islam even if they don't impose anything you have to follower their Anti Islam laws related to business your lifestyle and many other things
Sir many leave and many who live their are fighting against those laws but American dogs and slaves will always be washing their toilets and licking their ..........
Sir don't worry many have called for Islamic Banking and many will when they will know about it and Sir you will also see them collapse really very soon this is their destiny INSHALLAH
Surely you will see them collapse and they are bound to collapse that is there future that is why in many protests in Euorpe people are now calling for Islamic Banking
Sir for your information EU is slowly failing and American economy is verge of Collapse and by the way no country has fully implemented Islam and Islam is the only solution not kufr of any kind