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  • Hello my Aussie friend. Despite the idiotic way KSA is shown in the Media we are really open minded folks as you can see probably the most out of the bunch you see here. I appreciate your input on that thread however these guys are zealots of their sects and they hold a personal vendetta against KSA. Well anyways again thanks for your input but I tried reasoning with folks here for ages but to no avail
    Because I remember someone from this forum in the Australian Military who has cross trained with the Indian Special Forces just was checking out who it was.

    Do you have any experience with the Indian SF?I have seen a documentry abt the Aussie SASR and they are amazing.
    this is your mind

    Dictatorship is GB ... Dictator is elizabeth

    you think i am brainwashed ... i think you are brainwashed

    it's really Fantastic :D

    how old are you ?
    no ... this is your mind

    you are living in australia ... how could you know what is real or fake !?
    i think you hate persians

    & very angry because of our progress

    do you know why ?
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