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Turcici Imperium

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  • Just so you know brother, I quoted Turkish members to discredit their propaganda against the Ottoman empire and repeated accusations that Turkey is a NATO stooge.

    It seems MMM-E is not here, otherwise he would have answered them.

    Please bring more Turkish and Azeri members to this forum, as we have a shortage.
    Are you aware of the other forum, are you part of it?
    Turcici Imperium
    Turcici Imperium
    No, i read about it in this very forum but i don't have any knowledge about it, nor any interest to learn about it. I happen to have a free time due to COVID pandemic, so i may not be here too, after business got back on track.
    Visit from time to time bro. Get in touch with MMM-E.

    I will create a thread for you, hold on.
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