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  • I like your avatar. Can you please tell me the thread where this pic was posted i remember seeing it in some thread here probably about PNS Mehran attack I tried to find the picture but could not .
    Ramadan Mubarak to you too sir! May Allah shower his blessings upon all of us in this holy month!

    Wailkom Assalam..... how are you khalid......hope doing good......Sorry sir, i just missed your VM......I don't know how...... But anyways thanks a lot for your kind remembrance........ I am all here... almost online everyday........but too busy with life also..... or to put it more in order.... i don't post unless i feel like to post something...... that's why you wouldn't see me too much in action. Thanks Again for your inquiry.....

    Yaar, i have changed home, so for the time being no land line, thus missing out on internet at home timings. Plus at office also, DSL has been withdrawn due to security reasons, so i come on dial up and it rarely works well, most of the time its useless as it takes several minutes to open one site.

    But hopefully in a few days time, things will improve.

    wow, many many congratulations bro. Hope she is in best of health including the mom. Daughters are great and you will enjoy her naughtiness a lot, trust me. They are more fun then boys :)
    Hi Aslan,

    Heard you wanted to speak to me. Post here on your wall and I'll reply to it. Or is it something that's only for PM?

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