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  • Bhai, I am sorry to say this, but if you tag me with a bhakt once again, I will put you on my ignore list. Not that it means much!
    dangerous territory?
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    How will u respond if a Meccan pagan asks - why were our idols destroyed?
    Will you apologise and be defensive?I won't.
    Whatever the reason for the destruction of pagan places of worship,we must not forget that they are examples of idolatory at its worst.If it is destroyed, Hindus failed to protect. If they want/can, they will rebuild. else they will cry and blame. Let them.move on.
    My 0.2$
    Oh, I am not apologizing for anything.
    I agree with you in a historical context.

    In the modern world, there is no need to target anyone's place of worship.
    Brother v talk on twitter direct message. I ask u abt Australia visa nd jobs. Y u left twitter fite Sanghis

    I hope you don’t get to upset with anti-Indian Muslim sentiment it’s just your leaders like Asaduddin Owaisi and others have spoken badly about Pakistan in the past and our Great Leader M.A. Jinnah and how your elders called him Kafir E Azam and all.
    How many Indian Muslims did you interact with on the ground? Owaisi HAS to make those statements, otherwise he will find it very difficult to justify his existence as a politician.
    That’s the issue! How many times will they bend, today it’s NRC/CAA tomorrow something else, you have to stand for your principles if you keep changing you lose respect. Gharat Mar Jai, Banda Mar Gaya.
    It’s not just Owaisi but also media outlets representing Indian Muslims like Zee Salam, and the hate they showed for fellow Muslims was unreal. I’m sure you saw all that looney toon on Feb 26th.
    Please reply dear friend AfrazulMandal.

    I wanna discuss with you about the real history of prithviraj-sanyogita and brave musalman warrior muhammad ghori.
    Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan in the second battle of Tarain.

    Ugly Ghori repeatedly raped beautiful Sanyogita in front of her handsome husband Prithviraj. Then gory Ghori castrated, beheaded & killed fat arrogant Prithviraj in front of his raped wife Sanyogita. Later Md.Ghori forcibly married Prithviraj's voluptuous widow Sanyogita.
    And what were you Hindus doing? lol
    Sanyogita Chauhan
    Sanyogita Chauhan
    Mandal ji,

    I wanna discuss with you about the real history of fat arrogant prithviraj chauhan, his buxom bride sanyogita and brave musalman warrior muhammad ghori.

    I'm doing research about the second battle of Tarain 1192 AD.

    Please Reply!
    Stop being an extremist muslim and supporting terrorism and terrorist groups while living in India. That wont be good for you.
    Shahryar Isfahani
    Shahryar Isfahani
    And you stop making stupid and senseless accusations
    Last i checked Buddhists are attacking muslims in Thailand, myanmar, india, China etc. Are Buddhists in muslim countries being persecuted?
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