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  • the whole point of the US presence there is to cockblock Iran by having a proxy there separating Iraq and Syria and preventing an Iran to Lebanon continuous corridor. (to serve their Zionist masters security interests)

    Let the turks crush the traitors.. That territory bordering turkey and Syria has very little strategic value to Iran.

    well put.
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    Reactions: Yankee-stani
    I think Russia is taking the load to prevent Turkey invasion, but Iran will get the fruit for long run.

    My 2 cents.
    The Turks thought they could play dirty with Moscow in a bid to influence the Syrian waning conflict and Levent but failed to at some point Bashar will leave not through violent force or overthrow but when Moscow and Tehran say so in the end the Syrian state stays intact with some reforms but key alliance would be with Moscow and Tehran question is how can Moscow and Tehran
    continue a partnership when Moscow has pragmatic ties with Tel Aviv and Riyadh question remains to be seen in the near future
    I have nothing against your people. Its just important you know your place.
    I have nothing against your people either. And I too feel it is important to know your place. the exact same place the great emperor valerian of Rome was before King Shapur :)
    Well i think we all know that persia was savage and primitive. It was good when it was destroyed.
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