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  • Check this out more proof they been banning people
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    I agree there is a real issue. Its sad but true.
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    The waz moderator blocked me from posting in Palestine thread closed down the the other threads
    Bro beware of this Foinikas is a Jew also checkout my thread about forums losing credibility the snakes are every where look how they deleted my post about Israel becareful sharing any information with these people lot of them are pretending to be Pakistanis


    Hagia Sophia was not bought,that's misinformation. I don't know who started this urban legend but it has been debunked. It was never sold and never bought. There was no State to sell it. Mehmed II simply conquered the City.
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    Really so the documents are fake.
    Mate there is no limit to your bs. Take care.
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    Man,you can check it out on Google and you will find out that it's not true. These documents suddenly appeared when AKP decided to convert Hagia Sophia to a mosque and there is absolutely no historical mention about any supposed purchase,no sources mention it and it has been debunked as fake news.
    America is literally the largest economy, and strongest military in the world, but sure,there's clearly no benefits to keeping good relations with them. It's not like geopolitics exists or whatever.
    Any details on how shady/or good flight training is in Pakistan?
    Lahore Flying Club??
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    I am an aerospace engineer who messes around here. Flying was part of my course in the UK. But now I have cash to partake but wont do it in pakistan due to the advice of an instructor friend. Dont do it for nationalists reason. In pakistan only money is cared for. I have been her almost 7 years so I know
    Yar ya Arab pagal ha I see aj pora din ino na apko bi tension di. Aik The SC ka sat pora din ziaya kia kara Arab na 1973 jang jiti Jab Egypt Chief Khud kara ham na nai Ki. Pora evidence bi dia fir kara mana kuch bi nai prove kia.

    Ma ya sochra Israeli na inko bilkul katam kyu nai kia.
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    to ve honest brother, i am allergic to these types of Arabs. I know some really good Arabs in real life. they are wonderful people. these are the genetic crap of the arab world. i just abuse them. PDF is just a place for fun for me. i do not take naything serious here. remember that guy Khafee who started a rumour that Pakistan was getting block 70.
    I remember him good guy probably the only one with some sense in his brain. This current lot of Arabs are absolutely brain dead idiots, they don’t give you hope about the future but make you worry their going to screw us all.
    Y u mad at me bro?
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    Didnt you blame muslims for the stupid comment of spreading the virus by some idiot? That's unfair just as its unfair to say every hindu is a rapist.
    Salaam man! I saw ur posts on push up thread. I wanted to ask u some advice

    I have gained 10-12 kg extra over past few months. My belly has came out quite a lot. I am only 25. What would u recommend? I haven't worked out before in my life ever. Any advice about how to decrease my weight/belly & get fitter? I was thinking I should start with body weight exercises. Any advice or set of exercises u could recommend?
    Reduce food first. Start walking and then little pushup and pull ups.
    Trango Towers
    Trango Towers
    Body weight exercise are amazing. You dont need to spend a lot of money on gyms and can do them anywhere. But it's a myth that you will lose weight simply by exercise. Its 70 percent diet and 30 percent exercise. Just reduce your portions and cut out sugar. Drink more water. Sugar is your worst enemy. Start off with small amounts of exercise and build it up.
    When you wake up drink water mixed with lemon.
    Hang from a bar and do leg raises this will burn the lower abdomen fat. Then do stretches daily. Eat salads stay away from oil,sugar,salt.Once the fat is reduced then do sit ups,etc.
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