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  • Look at this video
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    Reactions: Gomig-21
    Hahaaaa, excellent! Sadat wanted Arafat to raise the flags together! How much more could he have done. This is what I was just telling that fella Novus, unless he's part of this culture and lived through it, he would never understand the real essence of what is going on. That was proof positive right there. I love what he said to him about the soviets loool. Kathaabeen!! :lol:
    Ya Gomig, you found a fucking masterpiece of a video.
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    I was going to post his speech at the Knesset, to show how he was adamant about not giving up a single inch of Arab land and it would've worked if the other parties had joined, but it was too long, and I knew not many would watch it because of that. This one basically had everything in it.
    Egypt is getting MUCH HATE. What they expect us to do. Fahem A7a.
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    Reactions: Vapnope
    It's crazy bro. Like you said perfectly, Rabenna Yostur.
    OIC need to step in instead of leaving everything to Egypt. I don't like people just bashing Egypt for something that is a collective responsibility of 57 Islamic countries.
    Egypt is over a barrel. In any moment, just a little mistake, we can see Egypt entering the war. We are in a tough situation
    how is this thing going to survive the salt water??

    Water is going to be in the track and I can't tell if they use pulleys or teeth in the track but both are going to be exposed to wear and salt water.
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    Reactions: Gomig-21
    At least the food and atmosphere looks pretty good loool. Yeah, as long as it's mostly fiberglass that comes in contact with the ocean or sea water and it gets rinsed with fresh water every time it's at port, it should be alright. Nice idea but what happens once they hit heavy chop and large waves, better crank it up and lock her down!
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    yeah that glass wall is not going to last long
    $200K for that boat. That's always been the main problem with boats, they're money pits. BUT what keeps idiots like myself coming back for more is once you crank the engine and hear the roar of the V-8 gas powered Volvo Penta 375HP and you slowly put the throttle into the first setting and leave the slip...
    .... sun sparkling off the water, fish jumps out in front of you and you turn to look at the misses and family and friends, see the look of true happiness on their faces, makes it all worth it. :-)
    Ant, we'll probably see that exact make and model at the boat show this February. The best part about it is how it's smooth-riding in relatively mild chop. The difference from it and a regularly moving boat was incredible. Good stuff.
    forget the self driving car and checkout the self-flying drone...wow look it weave around obstacles. I think it is fair to say in a few years that trying to get away from one by running in the thick woods wont be an option.
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    This was slow, then it would accelerate slowly to a very fast few beats, then a space between beats some longer than others etc. Turn out the super vent had morphed into AFIB and I've had it since. I don't want to have the procedure done to fix it simply because I just don't want someone poking the inside of my heart lol.
    But yeah, when I get it, I have to sit down because it makes you feel like you're going to faint.
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    Well I worked on the 18th floor of an office in Boston that liked to clear out the building doing fire drills. The problem after the drill was over you had hundreds of people waiting for an elevator ride back up. So basically you took the stairs instead. We'd all race each other. It was pretty funny actually. Never had an issue but I don't think I'll be doing that again.
    I'm in big trouble. The boat isn't covered, the leaves are all over the place, the transam isn't put away UGH!!!! Slacking off!
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    Well I got the leaves raked but all the Halloween inflatables are under snow.
    I didn't make it. what a mess! With so much time off doing nothing I've become incessantly uncharacteristically lazy to no end.
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    That's pretty cool. All the woodworking I've done through the decades of doing these kinds of things and I never knew anything about this. So the Ancient Egyptians basically invented the key and lock? Or was it invented prior and this is just their version of it?
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    The Chinese had "keys" but their locks didn't use pins.
    @The SC , bro, are you chilling on your participation for a certain reason having to do with the issues in the Arab & ME sec.?
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    Maybe you and the lovely missus can come down for a weekend or a couple week days. SC, Ill find a way to get you my mobile # before hand. Cheers fellas.
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    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hey I'm not sure where your info is. Don't drop this place yet until I get things
    Yeah no problem, 'll probably check in every once in a while if something big happens with the EGY military.
    @Nilgiri , have you seen this? I just saw it today looking through twitter and I almost fell out of my chair lol. Is this the usual?
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    Reactions: Gomig-21
    Hey pal, nice to hear from you, even if it is a little rubbing in hahaha! And I'll tell you this, I'm never one to backtrack on anything I say that I was wrong in and you were right. I think it was obvious to some extent that they weren't going to give up everything, I don't think anyone is stupid enough to think so except for the orange baboon who lives in an alternate universe.
    But I really thought they would give up a lot and dismantle much of their facilities, ezpecially production areas but keep a few lunchers and missiles etc.
    Or create some sort on bilateral aggreement that would allow them to keep some of their nukes for defensive purposes with the stipulation that they would be monitored etc. But I'm not surprised considering the clown who runs this great country is an idiot and was never going to make this happen. You were right! :-)
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