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  • assalam alaikum bhai, kehsey ho aap? It has been a long time, I hope you are well.
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    Reactions: Psychic
    No. I don't follow anyone now.
    These regular molvis place hadith higher than the Quran. They make Quran revolve around Bukhari; they would distort a clear verse of the Quran just because there is a (fabricated) hadith which contradicts that verse.
    I would love to talk with you more on this this topic, however PDF has a strong policy against religious discussions.
    I read your posts on the Mandir issue in the banned thread. Thank you for those posts and clarifications. Sadly so many Pakistanis are programmed to go against our faith and culture by liberal Westoxification.

    Thanks for standing firm on the issue. May Allah swt reward you.
    Is there a book you can recommend about the topic of marrying within ones own in the era of Khulafa e Rashideen?
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    not exactly!

    I brought this since there were arguments regarding the tribes of the Khulfa among the Arabs. Debates whether the khilafat should go to Muhajirs ,Ansars, Banu Hashim ,Banu umayyah etc etc.
    Desert Fox
    Desert Fox
    Oh I see.
    Read the Otto Skorzeny book you recommended. Enjoyed it.
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    I am thinking of sharing some excerpts from his book on pdf, but I am not sure if it will be legally right to do so...
    Desert Fox
    Desert Fox
    I believe you can post excerpts with your own explanations next to them. But you can always ask a moderator if it is against forum policy to post excerpts from copyrighted books just to be sure.
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    lol...I have seen just one other than myself with Chomsky profile pic.
    Desert Fox
    Desert Fox
    Oscar is the other guy and another Pakistani member by the name of "Pakistani Exile" also has Chomsky. Why's Chomsky so popular among Pakistani?
    It's a fashion these days to have a chomsky profile pic.
    You must try for the competition..your articles are always interesting. PDF needs more of such articles. :)
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    All the best. :)
    I am not feeling like taking part right now, my english skills are of a basic level and I am new to this stuff...
    Right now, I think that I should be only posting for regular readers plus many posters out there are far more knowledgeable than me and they deserve to take part in the competetion.
    Why don't you give it a try?
    Of course! There are many who are more knowledgeable than us. That will always be the case in life, where you will meet a lot of ppl who will hv more experience and knowledge than u. But what's the harm in giving it a try??? And about Me giving it a try...come on I'm an Indian!!!There's a lot ill will for me on the forum. I don't want to stand humiliated. :D soooo :)
    10/10 reply to the Iranian
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    Reactions: Psychic
    They are more loyal to Iran than Iranian themselves so they deserve such a reply. Same for Saudi loyalists in Pakistan.
    Indeed. These people should be deported to Iran and Saudi arabia
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