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Ankit Kumar 001

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  • Ankit. I see you are a student. Well, nice to see you have an interest in Defence and are an avid reader (from what I can make out from your post). All the best in your endeavors. And btw, when you are talking about things quoting from internet, I am talking as a user of the things you read about, so I have a slight advantage at the end of the day friend. Cheers and take care. Regards Hellfire
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    Ankit Kumar 001
    Ankit Kumar 001
    Thanks for your wishes sir. I try to be correct and at times I am over optimistic for anything Indian, so you may have to bear with me on those matters.
    God gave us eyes in the front so we see his light, not the shadow of devil. Be positive, because till you are here, he is there.
    That moment when even your younger brother is concerned about managing 2 girlfriends, while I am like "Forever Single".
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    Reactions: WAJsal
    Lolz , managing two girlfriends , that's some player of a brother you got .
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