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Razia Sultana

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  • Do not take my comment personally, or offensive, i got somewhat emotional. Take care.
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    Reactions: Razia Sultana
    Razia Sultana
    Razia Sultana
    I dont take anything personally as long as it is not indecent and disrepectful to the dignity of a woman.
    Why would I mind? I just post on impulse what i feel like.
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    Reactions: nForce
    Hey wanna join us on indiandefence.com? It is administered by Sparky and Parikrama.
    Razia Sultana
    Razia Sultana
    Thanks for the invite. will join indian defence sooner or later but I like the trolling that happens on PDF. compared to pdf I found indian forums a bit boring or sober so to say.
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    Reactions: Levina
    Indeed. The reason I still visit here and torture a few. Lolz
    Trolling from South Block needs a certain stature. You really from JNU?
    Razia Sultana
    Razia Sultana
    I know that. I opted for a life with my husband and kids over my research and bureaucratic or political career and i am indeed happy with my choice of life.
    And this is also my choice to remain anonymous here so I can neither confirm nor deny people's curiosity.
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    Reactions: Mentee
    Ohk got it :) My gmail is myusername at gmail.
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