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  • Respected Sir, I wish to discuss with you about the design of J-20. I am no aerospace engineer nor am I a pilot nevertheless I am fascinated by the design of J-20. J-20 has a rather a unique design, what advantages does this particular design give to the J-20 and what are limitations that come with this design?
    Respected Sir, I wished to discuss with you as to why USAF isn't interested in the latest vipers(F-16V)? Considering how cheap F-16 is to operate and how formidable of an aircraft it is for the cost ,shouldn't F-16 still be a viable fighter for USAF?
    Hi Gambit, is there any book on military that you can recommend?
    Sorry for the late reply. I have been busy with relocating cross country.

    In my home library, the first books I recommend are 'On Combat' and 'On Killing'. Both written by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. 'On Killing' is either required or recommended reading at military academies around the world. Both books are less about how to kill and more about the physical and psychological effects of combat and the act of killing.
    @_NOBODY_ On the more technical side and about air power, I recommend 'Strike: Beyond Top Gun'. I know that it is strange for an Air Force man to recommend a Navy book but this one is very readable.
    @_NOBODY_ On the more theoretical side, I recommend an old book 'War Games' by Thomas B Allen. Written back in 1987. IMO, this is the best book for the laypeople to give them an excellent idea of what are involved in speculating about wars and planning them.
    Hi Gambit.
    Are you politically liberal? Do you think it's better China can become democratic liberal nation or do you feel it's better for Chinese people to stay poor and weak or disappear? I know a lot of white people feel better about the second option, even some have honesty to say it on internet.

    Curious to know what you think. Please feel okay about being honest.
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    ...Us Chinese all know this very well believe me. Only very few are buy into all that stuff but we don't really want to complain for two main reasons. First is that it could be bad for our careers and even possibly dangerous if we do too much to badmouth our main leaders...
    ...Second is the government has done a pretty good job so far and if they stop doing a good job, they will lose this quiet support. We will see how things go.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
    Hello Gambit,

    How effective and efficient is the AC-130 Spectre in terms of 1)COIN and 3)Conventional War? Are there other countries who have something of equivalence of this platform? If not, then why? Thanks
    Very effective.

    In warfare is that there is a constant desire to attack from directions and dimensions that the enemy either cannot respond or does not have access to.

    If one side that do not have airpower, the advantage goes to the one that do have. Same with denial. If one side is somehow denied access to the 3rd dimension, the advantage goes to the side that do have access.

    That is high level view.
    At the lower level is the specific tool and in this case it is the AC-130. Insurgencies usually do not have airpower and in a conventional war, if one side lost access to the 3rd dimension, advances on the ground will be severely hindered if not outright stopped.
    As to whether any other country have something similar to the AC-130, one is the AC-295 from Airbus. Other types of the gunship concept lies with the helo. You can go back to WW II with the B-25 gunship.

    But to date, the best execution of the gunship concept is still the AC-130. It is best because of the base platform, the C-130 itself.
    Gambit, you reckon J-20 poses a credible threat to F-22 or F-35? Just talking about the machines, i.e. no force multipliers such as AWAC involved.
    I had another question in regards to what's known as "super-manoeuvrability". Time and again we have witnessed (mostly) Flankers and some other aircraft performing them. Do they have any practical advantage in the modern aerial warfare? Or they're merely good for airshows?
    It depends on the INITIAL airspeed approach to the maneuver. That is what experienced pilots have been criticizing. For those airshows, those maneuvers really are worthless, the jet's airspeed was approaching stall prior to the 'cobra' or whatever maneuver itself. In BFM, nobody does that.
    @gambit --- it is the american mindset that is trained to take every threat seriously and prepare accordingly---. I have tried very hard for 15 years to change the pakistani mindset---did not change one bit----oh wll---.
    On hindsight, I believe my remark is overboard, not meant to insult.
    I have respect for Vietnam.
    Of course you meant to insult. This is not a verbal face to face engagement. This is a message board that requires a person to make extraordinary effort -- typing -- to present his arguments. You exposed yourself for what you really are -- a racist to the core.
    Hello sir, it’s enriching reading some of your posts. Just wanted to know your observation on India’s LCA aircraft.
    i am interested in discussing AESA, PESA and PD radars with you.
    We can do that in many threads relating to the subject.
    Just want to say that I always like your perspective and we often think the same way about VN. I often feel frustrated because if I say all that I really think, I'll end up deported. Come to Da Nang sometime, you'll like it.
    LOL! That thread on brainwashing got killed quick!!!!
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    For the Chinese-Americans and the Chinese who have lived in America, there can be only two choices: Either they can be embarrassed or they can be intellectually dishonest.
    Hamartia Antidote
    Hamartia Antidote
    Well I'm glad you saw it before it got yanked. It certainly was nice to see people breaking from the unified wall. Although I wonder if it was the videos of the brainwashed and poor children that really struck a nerve.
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