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  • Hi Kamil, I am trying to cover the conflict in NK for a newspaper. Is it possible to contact you via email?
    hi Arm chechair. no problem, but can we talk through the messages here?
    I feel Mr. Penguin has a bit of an anti-Bangladeshi (maybe even anti-Muslim) bias and leans more toward supporting the Myanmarese Junta and Indians. I have no idea why. Just a hunch.

    I have simply not found his comments about Bangladesh Navy assets or organization to be positive as a rule.
    I found out about Mr. Penguin's anti-Muslim bias after I had a long-winded reasoned argument in PDF with him about HIJAB wearing women and the societal bias against them in the Netherlands, where Mr. Penguin resides. I fear that popular support for Mr. Geert Wilders (who is an Islamophobe) may be more widespread among the native dutch than we suspect.
    That guys i Chinese.. I dont care who he is but seems like he take advantage of people knowing less about army technology and push his stupid claims.. I will wait for his response to teach him more lessons there...
    To be honest, probably he will disappear because its sooo stupid to put igla-s and FL2000 at the same level..
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