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Joe Shearer
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  • Hi Joe, been a while, how are you doing? how's your health?
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    Reactions: Inception-06
    Agreed if there is a third time it may well be the final. Hope you are doing fine and staying safe. news coming out from your country are not encouraging I sincerely hope this nightmare gets over soon.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    First, it is terribly worrying that you were on the ventilator, but equally, it was good to hear that you came out of it. Second, it was unsettling to hear that you contracted it a second time, as there has been an illusion going around that those who contracted it once may be safe from further infections - or at least, safer than others.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    Your experience says that is not so. Third, news from India is doctored; the situation is worst than reported. Take care.
    My friend are you in contact with @anant_s ?
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    No, but I could get in touch; he keeps posting to my (unused) Facebook profile. Want me to ask him to get in touch?
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    Reactions: WAJsal
    Tell him to drop by, I havent heard from him in a long time.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    Sure. Give me a little time.
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    Reactions: WAJsal
    How is your health? Hope you doing better.
    However, I have looked back on old threads, and it appears that there was a time when member with vastly different views could exchange ideas civilly, despite disagreements. Even when I first joined, I found most member willing to hear different ideas, even those with whom I did not get along. That has unfortunately changed last month.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    That has changed over the last three years. Some good things happened; the Moderators chased out the toxic elements among Indian members. Some bad things happened; first, they threw out the baby with the bathwater, and managed to annoy serious-minded positive-minded Indian members; second, they were very lax about Pakistani and Chinese toxic elements.
    Cobra Arbok
    Cobra Arbok
    The point when I woke up to this reality was when some Pakistanis were cheering the deaths of Pulwama victims with no action taken against them.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    That sort of thing, and (member) Imran Khan's coarse reaction to S Ldr Varthaman's bloodied face, is really sickening. I have absolutely no wish to be seen on a thread with that kind of perverted behaviour.
    I have figured that out a while ago. Now I have stopped caring to be honest. With that being said, it is fun to trigger trolls so I am just going to get in whatever I can until I get banned.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    That's personal for every member to decide, how to deal with the forum, and I can't comment on your choice.
    It isn't my choice.
    As the thread is based on Urdu poetry we can make exceptions on such threads, much like members are allowed to post in their language on selected threads...take Chinese or Turkish sub-forums for example.
    Welcome back Joe!!
    I hope life is treating you well!
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    Thank you so much. I missed you and those who are of your way of thinking; common sense and a sense of fair play are so rare!

    Unfortunately, the reason I left, threats of official prosecution made by a Hyderabad-based khaki chaddi, hasn't really gone away.

    I hope to stick to military history, and to avoid social comments; no point in those latter.
    What the..... What have you done here for some Indian official to threaten you? Thats mad!
    Anyway sir, i hope you are back permanently now and look forward for future engagements.
    Fed up with dealing with nincompoops. I will communicate only with a limited list of Pakistanis and Indians.
    Oh so you have to apply to get in the list hmm what are the requirements to get in this exclusive list :D
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    Poor little fellow. He is much misunderstood. Hotheaded and impulsive, but otherwise a nice chap.
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    To get on the list, you have to be really nasty, talk about India being the land of rapes, say something untrue about either or both of Tejas and the Arjuna battle tank, make some remarks about Dalits and the others, weep about the miserable state of Muslims and their imminent death, make cheap comments about our soldiers, sailors and airmen.....
    How is your health?
    Joe, why are you wasting your time for? should have simply reported. Sorry for spoiling the fun.
    did you get it?
    Joe Shearer
    Joe Shearer
    So sorry. I just got out of the exams., with 40 papers to correct. Will get back to you.
    I provided a link to you, as per your request. I hope it is working fine, do check.
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