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  • is this what majority indians think or wish for.

    and why akhand bharat in first place. pakistan is a soverign nation, and its people want to be a separate nation, certainly not a secular nation. cant we co exist and solve our matters, then considering to force once territory into theirs. how gonna you people achieve this objective???

    second, why akhand bharat if we can co-exist pecefully, we can help each other. european countries ar if it was like bharat to them, one country now. but tyet they co-exiare one.

    why you ppl think of greater india?? is it not an extremist idea???
    akhand bharat is some thing that indians relate theirculture sharing which countries coming in your akhang bharat philosophy, or is it that, you want to to make bharat(one country) out of these countries. means is this philosohy based of some abstract ideas or is this some thing to achieve material like one india which includes pakistan afganistan burma etc etc
    Sir,read your post in the bangladesh forum thread by moscow.......sir,most of the bd people on da board are pak lovers or are maybe pakistanis(now bangladeshis)who got stuck in bd after 1971....i am a bengali(indian) and i assure you not all bds are like this,infact most of them.....btw welcome to pdf....thnx
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